The sales of the new iPod video
The iPods have been a market hit since their launching in 2001. With the appearance of the new iPod video on the market in 2005, the iPod became even more popular, as it achieved high umbers in sales and an increased interest from the public. The sales of the iPod video were, in general, better than the expectations. Considering the fact that the new product brought, indeed, something new to the market, which was never tested before and the customers were used to the idea that iPod stands for music and, in a smaller part, it stands for photos, the sales surprised the producers just like the product surprised the customers and the users.
Basically, the iPod video present 2 variants of the device: the 30 GB model and the 60 GB one, which both play QVGA H. 264 videos. Over the last holiday season, the sales were very high, as people seamed to be more interested in purchasing such an item before taking the summer vacation. Due to this fact, the new iPod video turned out to be a great choice of spending the time during the holiday. In fact, the last holiday season brought a 30 % increase of the sales, which is a consistent amount. Even more, the new iPod video turned out to be an excellent Christmas present, as the sales indicate the fact that the sales of the iPods increased significantly before this important religious holiday. Another sales hit in the history of the iPods was the Apple iPod + hp, which was launched in the year 2004. In the first months of 2006, Apple reported sales of 565 million dollars, which was the highest number in the company’s history. In fact, Apple managed to ship 6, 16 million iPods during the first months of 2005, meaning a 66 % increase over the same period of time in 2004.
The new range of iPods are supposed to be even more improved and have a new variety of features and new accessories, which will increase even more the popularity of these products. After the famous exposition called Macworld, which was held on the 10th of January 2006, the official speakers reported sales over 42 million dollars, which included a part of 14 million dollars, gained in the first quarter of the year. With even more expectations in sales for the future, the engineer team of Apple is focusing even now in producing a sixth generation of even more optimized iPods.
Till the appearance on the market of the iPod video, the best selling product of the iPod series was the iPod nano, which had great results since the launching. The studies and researches show the fact that most of the part of the consumers want and easy personalization of their video content, meaning quality and inexpensive solutions that satisfy their needs. IPod video brought, at its launching, a new set of features that were about to change the perception that people had about this small, yet powerful device. With a memory that could now include a play list of 15, 000 songs, 25, 000 pictures and up to 150 of hours full with videos and movies, the new iPod was an innovative new product and the market embraced its originality and new and exiting features.
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