بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
قوانين العمل معنا
يحق لك طلب
اختبار الخدمة مره واحده فقط وهى 2 دولار
ولا يجوز طلب الاختبار مره
يحق لك إرسال المتفق عليه
لتشغيل الخدمة كيفما تشاء
ولا يجوز طلب تشغيل الخدمة بالكامل
قبل ذالك
عند طلب التزويد الرصيد فى حالة لم يتم ارسالها سوف يتم التذويد والرجوع الى اخر تحويل لدي ويتم تذويدك ب 10% منه لحين ارسال المتفق عليه
(( انتهى الرصيد ومحتاج تزويد اخر تحويل لك هو كان 1000 دولار سوف نقوم بتزويد رصيدك 100 دولار الى ان تقوم بالارسال))
نطلب منك الاختبار في
أوقات متفاوتة للحكم على الخدمة لأنها يعتمد جوده الصوت على سرعه
الانترنت تكون جيده
ونعلم جيدا كما كان
السعر اقل لابد من توفر الانترنت بسرعة جيده
يحق لك استرجاع في
اى وقت المبالغ المتفق عليها سابقا في حالة إيقاف الخدمة من طرفنا او من
طرفكم وذالك فى خلال
مده أقصاها شهر من طلب
الاسترجاع مع ذكر سبب الاسترجاع
مع تحملك جميع المصاريف فى
حالة الإرسال عن اى وسيله ترغب بها
وان كان الاسترجاع غير
مسبب او فى خلال شهر من استخدام الخدمة يكون عليك خصم من المبلغ المتفق عليه 10% من
الاجمالى المبلغ
تنبيه هام جدا
عند انقطاعى من التواصل
معكم لفتره اكثر من شهرين متتابعين
فهذا معناه انى
احتاج للدعاء منكم وقد اتانى الموت
فرجو من الذين يعملون معنا
فى هذا المجال تقديم كافة الطرق للوصول اليكم فى هذه الحاله ان كان
الانقطاع منى او منكم
مطلوب تزويدنا بالتالى
العنوان بالكامل
ثلاث ارقام هواتف لك او
احد اقاربك
الاسم بالكامل الحقيقى
اللهم سدد عنا الديون
هذه القوانين تحدث
بستمرار ويحق لنا تغيرها فى اى وقت مع اعلامك بذالك من خلال
ارسالها اليك بالبريد الاكترونى وان لم يكن لك بريد الكترونى لدينا فهذا يرجع
The name of God the Merciful
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Work with us Rules
You have the right to request the service test just once a US $ 2
The test may not be asked again
You are entitled to send agreed to run the service as you want
Nor wholly may request service run by Malk
At the request of the supply balance in the case have not been sent and will be Altdhuad refer to another conversion and I are Tdhuiedk 10% of it until Send Agreed
((Finished balance and provide the needy last conversion you it was $ 1000, we will provide the balance of $ 100 that you are posting))
We ask you to test different times to judge the service because they sound quality depends on the speed of the internet to be good
Well know as the price was less to be online quickly provide good
You are entitled to recover at any time previously agreed amount in case the service is stopped by us or by you, the spectrum during the
A maximum period of one month from the retrieval request with the stated reason for the loopback
Endurance with all expenses in case of transmission for any means you want them
And that the recovery was uncaused or within a month of using the service you have deducted from the amount agreed upon 10% of the total amount
Alert very important
When Angtaay to communicate with you for longer than two consecutive months
That means I need to pray for you have given me death
Farago of us who work in this field to provide all the ways to get you in this case that was me or you drop
Therefore required to provide us with
Full address
Three phone numbers you or one of your relatives
The name of the real
Oh hit us debt
These laws occur Bstmrar We may change at any time, with Booze notified through e-mail sent to you and you do not have e-mail to have it is because you
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Work with us Rules
You have the right to request the service test just once a US $ 2
The test may not be asked again
You are entitled to send agreed to run the service as you want
Nor wholly may request service run by Malk
At the request of the supply balance in the case have not been sent and will be Altdhuad refer to another conversion and I are Tdhuiedk 10% of it until Send Agreed
((Finished balance and provide the needy last conversion you it was $ 1000, we will provide the balance of $ 100 that you are posting))
We ask you to test different times to judge the service because they sound quality depends on the speed of the internet to be good
Well know as the price was less to be online quickly provide good
You are entitled to recover at any time previously agreed amount in case the service is stopped by us or by you, the spectrum during the
A maximum period of one month from the retrieval request with the stated reason for the loopback
Endurance with all expenses in case of transmission for any means you want them
And that the recovery was uncaused or within a month of using the service you have deducted from the amount agreed upon 10% of the total amount
Alert very important
When Angtaay to communicate with you for longer than two consecutive months
That means I need to pray for you have given me death
Farago of us who work in this field to provide all the ways to get you in this case that was me or you drop
Therefore required to provide us with
Full address
Three phone numbers you or one of your relatives
The name of the real
Oh hit us debt
These laws occur Bstmrar We may change at any time, with Booze notified through e-mail sent to you and you do not have e-mail to have it is because you